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View user groupsViewing user groups of user Gordon.chan (talk | contribs)

Member of: _general - faculty association, _general - metaviewer, _general - sds beta testers, _general - tech committee, _jr intermediate faculty, _jr specialist, admin, all faculty - junior distribution list, all faculty and admin and housestaff distribution list, all faculty distribution list, budget web, everyone-jr, groupmail, inetmail, jryearbook, juniorfaculty, juniorlibraryshare, juniorprintmanagers, juniorstaff, managers, marketingshare, metaviewer power users, non roaming profile users, office365staff, radius_staff_wireless_access, radius_unified_wireless_access, sds-debug, staff, staffnt, student mgr

Implicit member of: Autoconfirmed users

User rights log

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