SDSHOWTO:SDS 1 Series Changelog
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SDS 1.6.2 (July 3, 2006)
- improvements to print_queue with respect to default printers
- informed consent data can be edited and displayed
- edit_student split into page tabs
- missing assignments improved with sorting alternatives and improvements to email
- calendar events in daily_attendance links to print_calendar_event
SDS 1.6.1 (June 24 , 2006)
- fix to print_marksheet
- assignment_marks can now accept a null (instead of setting the empty mark to 0)
- can delete from email_queue
- lots of little changes
SDS 1.6 (June 15 , 2006)
- Health numbers can be shown with student photographs
- improvements to student calendar
- Classes for a course can be shown on the calendar
- improvements to admissions application importing
- email_parents only for enrolled, alumni, accepted parents
- medic_alert improved
- address labels can be printed to various label sizes
- student.has_provided_birth_certificate
- daily_attendance cannot save for future dates
- MOE data checking page for data submissions
- automatic ajax saving for reports and mark_collection data
- resource_booking_weekly is now ajax-ed
- marks and reports have been disentangled
- academic ranking can be used for any mark_collection_period, also averages the data it produces (very interesting!)
- improvements to search function, many improvements to advanced search
- key_information fix to pdf_mark_collection
SDS 1.5.3 (May 15, 2006)
- Improvements to student travel tracking at breaks
- admissions profile data entry and PDF output improved
SDS 1.5.2 (May 10, 2006)
- Allergy information output on bus_request forms
- Improvements to email for bus_requests
- check_queues() function for testing condition of print_ and email_queues
- admissions profile data entry and PDF output added
- improvements to display_date_dropdown
SDS 1.5.1 (May 9, 2006)
- Allergy information output on class_student_photographs and print_calendar_event pages
- family information imported from application into admissions section
- Fix to conflict data in daily_attendance (bug 621)
- Fixes to various mark collection pages (bug 579)
SDS 1.5 (May 5, 2006)
- AJAX framework completed and implemented
- improvements to awards using AJAX
- whole report can be edited at once (new page)
- avantgo emergency contact information formatting improved for students
- country_of_birth information is now collected
- tracking sickies - how much school time students have missed
- lots of little glitches fixed
- teacher photos now implemented
- better searching of students, teachers, parents
- advanced search functions, additions to output reports
- improvements to assignment management, also control of assignment_mark relase to students
- allergy information output on class_student_photos and print_calendar_trip
- labels can be printed using any size label (once we have input the label geometry)
- advanced search page allows complex queries of student and parent data (can also be "programmed")
SDS 1.4.3 (February 2, 2006)
- new page for viewing contents of email_queue
- multiple delete facility for php_scripts_access and php_teacher_access
- calendar now correctly deals with cancelled events
- edit_calendar un_accepts accepted events if any of the dates change
- require_session_variable() function to prevent pukes resulting from users bookmarking particular pages within the SDS (applied to daily_atendance, edit_attendance, list_assignments etc)
- Student SDS assignment marks are only visible from IP addresses listed in vars.php
- Sport preselection pages can email students using the email queue
- Missing_assignments page emails students using the email queue
- list_teachers improved
- non-Brentwood email addresses for staff can now be specified
- Teacher decisions on which parts of the course SDS they wish to use are now improved (e.g. class organiser, markbook, complex attendance)
- Simple or complex attendance data
- Classes organiser improved, tests day and date validity
- Rolodex student information cards
- bug in import class information fixed
- announcements can now contain embedded HTML links
- the Tate graph has been added
- lots of little things
SDS 1.4.2 (December 15, 2005)
- postsec_search now restricted to current_school_year()
- add_to_queue improved for default printers, condensed data report, past years
- edit_courses page improved
- admission application import improved
- edit_student improved for admissions use
- pdf_report can count number of pages without printing
- print_draft_report now colour codes reports by length, links to reports_entry_spell
- reports_entry_spell can link back to print_draft_report
- PDAs can access the SDS (modifications to CSS, header and daily attendance)
- edit_student_report_data improved, can create missing report records
SDS 1.4.1 (November 25, 2005)
- numerous small fixes
- new parent_student data fields can be edited
- changes to edit_student and list_student for admissions purposes, addition of admission information
- changes to year_switch, which now reads from current_school_year table
- improvements to bus request information linking to calendar event data
- Parent teacher improvements, including meetings with teachers that do not involve student course registrations
- Parent teacher pages default to next pt_session
- edit_student_mcp_data and edit_student_report_data are improved
- course comparison for department heads improved
- class photograph page and email page improved to deal with sport terms
- awards_edit split off from awards_search
- Key information can now be stored and varied from year to year
SDS 1.4 (October 20, 2005)
- improvements and fixes to unexplained absences
- student count glitch fixed for head_of_department
- improvements to check attendance saved
- daily calendar insert for index page
- improved parent search function for search student page
- improvements to PT scheduling
- key information is now preserved across previous years
SDS 1.3.4 (September 28, 2005)
- houseparent can now look at previous reports and mark collections
- text email to parents of whole school students (not by class yet)
- daily_attendance SAVE button now tells you if it has been pressed
- admin page for checking if attendance save has been pressed, and for emailing those teachers who have not pressed save yet
- bus requests improved: comment field, improved email functionality
- email_queue implemented
- various small fixes
SDS 1.3.3 (September 14, 2005)
- improvements to arts preregistration
- daily_attendance SAVE button is now tracked
- improvements to data output on 1004/1104 forms
SDS 1.3.2 (September 8, 2005)
- Class photograph lists added
- lots of small fixes
SDS 1.3.1 (August 22, 2005)
- Calendar categories added
- Break times now show on calendar (except month view)
SDS 1.3 (June 30, 2005)
- fine arts preregistration added
- is_marks_fuzzy added to allow mark collection fuzziness to be separate from attendance fuzziness
- faculty voting for major award winners developed
- new optional Javascript menu system should be quicker to use
- printing of PR card labels
- deletion of subject now requires no courses within the subject
- improvements to departmental access of rotating subjects
- transcripting improved
- passport to education sub-pages improved (except academic, awarding)
- many small fixes
SDS 1.2.2 (March 17, 2004)
- cumulative course data for rotating courses added: implemented through mark collections and reports
- input_absence can email students and advisors about absences
- cosmetic improvements to edit_assignment and edit_assignments
- head_of_department page links to cumulative mark calculation
- show_student_info show selective information if a student is no longer enrolled, warns about data not being maintained.
- print_marksheet altered to allow printing of departments reports
- some fixes to fuzzy for output_reports
- improvements to edit_student
- edit_course_registration add student list defaults to grade level of subject
- course deletion allowed
- courses may be made sex-specific (mainly for preregistration purposes)
- more improvements for midyear marks & transfer credits
SDS 1.2.1(February 18, 2005)
- list_student_reports_number improved
- multiple concurrent mark_collection_periods are now supported; improvements to editing mark_collections
- transfer credits added
- which_saturday() now ignores deleted calendar events
- edit_courses improved
- edit_course has a "save and return to edit_subject" button
- select_student improved
- midyear marks improved: honours courses indicated, transcript and transfer credit information included, ability to select which records show on PDF
- marks that have not been entered for a mark_collection_period can be tracked
- "on the book" added to edit_student and daily_attendance
- student preregistration for courses may be made sex-specific
- student list may be filtered in edit_course_registration
SDS 1.2 (January 27, 2005)
- show _student_info fixed for a bug involving rel_student_current_school_year and students who are not enrolled.
- calendar_meister remembers the selected date when saving.
- check_finished_courses can now close multiple courses.
- edit_student_course_registration checks for timetable conflicts as well as block conflicts.
- edit_table page allows editing of any table data
- php_teacher_access now does not force the system into impersonation, also allows copying of script permissions from one user to another.
- weekend_leaves has been improved to Ron's bug 294 request.
- weekend_leave information may now be input by admin (e.g. Diane)
- usual_first_name should show throughout the SDS now.
- edit_courses revamped.
- improvements to edit_subject, including copying all of the teachers when copying a course.
- list_teachers takes over from edit_teachers, which was getting too bulky.
- improvements to midyear marks output
- list_classes defaults to date sort if a new class is added
SDS 1.1.5 (December 18, 2004)
- edit_departments allows setting of is_for_averages value
- all_course_registrations now uses department.is_for_averages data for calculating academic averages and commendations
- search_student now searches parent table also
- print_marksheet does not complain when there is no data to output
- missing_assignments tidied up, can omit marks from here
- edit_student_marks utilises omit_mark, too
- mark_collection_index and reports_entry_spell respect course.has_reports data
- advisor page indicates current mark_collection_period - makes vague guess at not completed reports
SDS 1.1.4 (December 9, 2004)
- sports output from claws_rip_hurts will fuzzy if the and course.course_subset match
- head_of_department link to mark_collection_index now does not cause pukes
- print_marksheet works when accessed via head_of_department
- glitch fixed for mark calculation if a student had 0 marks in a particular assignment_mark_type
- can save a mark of 0 in edit_assignment_marks
- reports_entry_spell and reports_data_entry check the value of course.is_fuzzy
- list_subjects now allows a 'NEW' subject to be created in each department
- admin_index improved
SDS 1.1.3 (November 29, 2004)
- numerous changes to prevent (e.g.) second term sports from showing up in first term reports
- students can see assignment_mark comments, if this feature is enabled by the course teacher
SDS 1.1.2 (November 29, 2004)
- prep history improved to include the two halves of prep, work set and feedback comments from the library / computer staff
- bug in weekend_leaves.php fixed (when return_destination_id not filled in)
- delete of university actions possible
SDS 1.1.1 (November 23, 2004)
- a couple of significant assignment bugs fixed
SDS 1.1 (November 22, 2004)
- edit_student now has a field for recording BC funding status, and suggests whether the student should get it
- edit_parent can now select a blank PT session, link to parents_meetings fixed
- parents_meetings bug fixed when adding meetings
- list_parents now uses session variables to remember what you were doing
- edit_student is left aligned
- lots of PT formatting changes
- preregistration improvements and registration of students from sports preregistrations
- rel_student_current_school_year implemented
- editing of postsecondary actions on existing records
- weighting of individual assignments is now possible - when entering marks
- SQL logging implemented - sql_log table records all database modifications made through sds
- assignment_mark_types cannot be deleted if there are associated assignments
- text boxes enlarged in edit_classes.php
SDS 1.0.6 (October 25th, 2004)
- preregistration of sports implemented (early version)
- student_mark_collections should work now.
- pdf_report updated to reflect new design
- daily_attendance fix for saving data on Saturdays
- preregistration linked to advisor pages
- minor modifications to list_teachers
SDS 1.0.5 (October 5, 2004)
- SDS finally differentiates between "Saturday 1" and "Saturday 2"
- major bugfixes in attendance with concurrent classes and saturday classes
- clicking any button in edit_calendar, edit_student now saves your data
- Sunday is now day 0, not day 7
- added nationality stuff
- lots of other bugfixes
- slight reorganization of key information
SDS 1.0.4 (September 29, 2004)
- print_calendar_event has usual_first_name fix
- added CSV export for output reports
- resource_booking fix of multiple bookings across daylight savings changes fixed
SDS 1.0.3 (September 25, 2004)
- fixed address-adding bug
- added option for non-fuzzy class selecting in output reports
- added allergies, health_card_number fields to student
- only approved events show up in calendars
- daily_attendance shows if there are class conflicts for a student (usually for music lessons), also works on Saturdays
SDS 1.0.2 (September 22, 2004)
- all_course_registrations list registrations without referring to marks/reports
- all_course_option_list() will show courses without teachers, and show the subject
- fixed bug in head_of_department if no courses set up yet
- column order revised in edit_student_course_registrations
- graphical calendar view for resource booking
- usual_first_name shown in reports whenever possible
- students without parents appear in reports
- output_index will print various grades
SDS 1.0.1 (September 11, 2004)
- list_teachers page, including link to php_teacher_access
- view deleted teachers in edit_teachers
- edit_timetable_blocks has been adapted to edit timetable data
- you can delete subject from list_subjects - only in August and September!
- teacher_timetable shows courses if course is not in session when asked to advance to when course is in session
- daily attendance does not puke if no courses happen to be running. also now correctly lists courses running on a particular date if not today.
- list_subjects: add new subject facility fixed
- edit_breaks show data that cross the year start/end line (summer vacation)
- select_student (and show_student_info) should have a search function - provided by search_student.php (also appears in menu)
- edit_parents does not puke on save if no pt session set
- reports_data_entry now informs you if no mcp in session (which_mark_collection_period() now returns the next mcp if an mcp not in session)
- orphaned records now sorts by last_name
- fuzzy class selection in output reports
SDS 1.0 (August 19, 2004)
- Add non-duplex copy room printer
- Fix togglehelp bug
- Permissions audit
- Remove permissions when teachers are deleted
- Highlight help in title bar