SDSM:List of Screens

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Revision as of 20:19, 3 June 2024 by Darren.duncan (talk | contribs) (Add new SDSM part with full list of SDS Gavintech user interface screens plus terse descriptions for most.)
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This document consists of multiple parts; for a directory to all of the parts, see SDSM:Index.


This part of the SDS Modernization (SDSM) document provides a detailed list of SDS user interface screens and their functions.


SDS Gavintech Screen PHP Source Files With No Database Privileges

SDS Gavintech has 665 PHP source files in its pages/ source folder, each of which ostensibly represents a single screen, but each of these 9 of those has no corresponding record in the database table php_script and so effectively doesn't exist or isn't active:

  • academic_monthly_schedule.php
  • edit_payment_type.php
  • esds.php
  • list_contract.php
  • maialearning_export.php
  • markbook_home.php
  • pr_cards.php
  • standards_radar.php
  • teacher_demographics.php


SDS Gavintech Screen Database Privileges With No PHP Source Files

SDS Gavintech has 666 distinct records in the database table php_script (educational_history.php appears twice), but each of these 10 of those has no corresponding PHP source file in its pages/ source folder and so doesn't actually exist:

  • check_graduation_rules.php - Student/parent portal page to check graduation rules
  • edit_default_deductions.php - Page to Edit or Add default deductions for usage in student finance areas
  • edit_discount.php - edit discounts for theatre
  • edit_frontpage_news.php - Page to Addd and edit new items for use on frontpage news
  • edit_payment_method.php - edit payment methods for theatre
  • edit_ticket_type.php - edit ticket types for theatre
  • find_receipt.php - Display Moneirs receipts
  • manage_student_calendar.php - Page that configures student lesson ICS exports
  • print_network_application.php - network account application form - per student_id
  • theatre_select_seats.php - purchase page for theatre booking


SDS Gavintech Screens

SDS Gavintech has these 656 existing screens, as defined by that for each there is a PHP source file in its pages/ source folder plus a corresponding record in its database table php_script:

  • absence_list.php - list of students with absence or trip records - date allows access to all data
  • academic_advisory.php - Allows creation and editing of academic_advisory text for schedule_test page
  • academic_ranking.php - List last year's academic ranks for students.
  • academic_recommendation.php - Online app step9
  • academic_schedule.php - Page to replace existing PDF academic schedule - term in advance
  • accepts_interests.php - Page to display admission accepts
  • accepts_offers_interests.php - Page to display interests reported on application for students presently in Accepted or Offered stages
  • accepts_offers_summary.php - Admissions report page for SMUS detailing students whose status is Accepted or Offered
  • access_adobe_hup.php - Page to access Adobe CS6/CC instructions
  • access_dreamspark.php - Page to access Dreamspark
  • access_ms_office.php - Page to access MS Office instructions
  • access_office_hup.php - Page to access MS Office instructions
  • add_prereg_academic.php - Page to add or edit (in bulk) preselections for particular subjects
  • add_to_queue.php - advisor requests reports print jobs - no delete facility yet
  • admin_index.php - index page for course & subject administration - starting page for editing data
  • admin_parent_download.php - Page to upload new files for parent secure download
  • admin_student_index.php - - access to NT account batch file creation script
  • administer_vaccination.php - Vaccine administration page
  • admission_profile.php - allows entry of certain admission fields
  • admission_summary.php - Applicant summary page for admissions
  • admissions_deposit.php - Allow applicants to pay their deposit online
  • admissions_enrolment_status_update_cron.php - Page to automatically archive enrolment status update data
  • admissions_projected_enrolment.php - Page to generate admissions projected enrolment report
  • admissions_projected_enrolment_cron.php - Page to automatically generate and email admissions projected enrolment report
  • advance_attendance_notice.php
  • advanced_search.php - An advanced interface for building database queries from scratch.
  • advisor.php - advisor index page for student data - advisor use
  • all_course_registrations.php
  • all_invigilation_sessions.php - Page to show all upcoming invigilation_sessions
  • all_preselection_time.php
  • all_student_marks.php - for a course, calculates marks
  • allergy_health_form_check.php - Page to show allergies vs. health form allergy info
  • announcement_email_page.php - Page to display announcement emails
  • app_breakout_statistics.php - Provides monthly application statistics by grade
  • app_edit_address.php - generic page for addresses
  • app_edit_person.php - generic page for editing person
  • app_edit_questions.php - Edit the dynamic questions in the online application
  • app_forgot.php - Allow applicants to retrieve their LDAP password
  • app_login.php - Online app login
  • app_signup.php - Allow applicants to create an SDS account
  • applicant.php - generic page for applicant
  • application_school_years.php - Page for Admissions to control which current_school_year records are available in the online application
  • assign_periods_to_blocks.php - Timetable planning page to assign periods to blocks
  • assign_room_exam_seats.php - Page to assign exam seats for a group of exam calendar events
  • assignment_marks_spreadsheet.php - Page to allow assignment_marks to be viewed in a spreadsheet format
  • attendance_report.php
  • attendance_subject_report.php - Page to report on subject attendance
  • auditing_portal.php
  • award_list_by_grade.php - Page to list available awards by grade
  • award_nominate.php - Page to nominate students for awards
  • award_nominate_detail.php - Page to display award nomination details
  • award_recommendations.php - Page to calculate award recommendations
  • award_vote_results.php - Display the award voting results
  • award_vote_smus.php - Page to vote for student nominations
  • award_voting_times.php - Configure award phases
  • award_winner_list.php - List of award winners
  • awards_add.php - Add rel_student_award associations
  • awards_edit.php - page for editing already-assigned awards
  • awards_search.php - Search for awards
  • awards_voting.php - teachers vote on major award candidates
  • awards_voting_summary.php - summary page for garv
  • away_students.php - Page to display away students per period
  • bcs_forgot.php - Page for bcs www forgot password
  • bcs_signup.php - Page for bcs www account signup
  • billing_emails.php - Grabs email addresses of parents who are financially responsible for students
  • blue_book.php - Standard display of information at SMUS
  • boarding_questionnaire.php - A questionnaire for boarders to complete
  • book_exam_seat.php - Page to manually (re-)book a single exam seat
  • bruce_graph.php
  • calendar.php - multi-view calendar
  • call_pdf.php
  • campus_funnel.php - Admission funnel sorted by campus and fee status type
  • campus_switch.php - Allow user to change campus
  • challenge_course_list.php - Page to display all challenge credits for a school year
  • change_password.php - page to change passwords
  • change_resource_booking_event.php - Page to allow a resource booking to be moved from one event to another
  • change_student_course_registration.php - to change a registration from one course to another - only to be used to correct misregistrations. not drops, changes
  • charges_build.php - Enables user to create charges list from SDS to Excel/Great Plains
  • charges_output.php - Enables user to export create charges list from SDS to Excel/Great Plains
  • check_attendance_saves.php
  • check_finished_courses.php - check for courses that are finished but still have incomplete registrations
  • check_student_moe_information.php - allows viewing of student information for examination verification forms
  • childcare_health_form.php - Download health forms (child care version)
  • claws_rip_hurts.php - class_reports from output_index.php
  • cleanup_person_log.php - Page to clean up person log data
  • cohort_student_summary.php - Timetable page to show which students are in each cohort
  • common_spares.php - Page to find common spares between teachers
  • compare_years_apps.php - Page to show numbers of apps, offers and accepts derived from online applications cumulatively across several years.
  • compare_years_statuses.php - Page to show numbers of apps, offers and accepts derived from student status information cumulatively across several years.
  • conflict_matrix.php - Report that lists potential conflicts when setting up courses
  • continuous_enrolment_contract.php - Location of Enrolment Contract(s) for Parents
  • copy_assignments.php - Page to allow assignments to be copied from one course to another
  • counselling_list.php - Report that lists academic preselections per subject
  • course_assignment_marks.php
  • course_assignments.php
  • course_block_check.php - Page that checks to ensure that the course selected block matches at least one block that the course runs in
  • course_by_period.php - Page to display all courses running for a selected period
  • course_comparison.php - compares all students in a particular cour/subject - hod/admin use - will need to be changed once SUBJECT is fully implemented
  • course_hour_tally.php - Tally hours for all courses for a student
  • course_lessons.php
  • course_list_by_grade.php - List of courses by grade
  • course_rank.php - Page to compare student course rankings
  • course_summary.php
  • course_tally.php - Report for academic preselection
  • course_type_timetable_map.php - Page to show how courses of a particular type (e.g. teacher cover) are distributed across the timetable
  • course_uniqueness.php - Page to show ISM course uniqueness values, and help determine the order in which they should be placed into the schedule.
  • courses_available_by_cohort.php - Timetable page to show availability of space within courses available to a particular cohort
  • courses_by_block_and_term.php - Timetable planning page to show course by block and module term
  • courses_by_room_and_block.php - Report to understand track registration data by room
  • courses_by_room_and_term.php - Timetable planning page to show courses by room and module term
  • courses_by_teacher_and_block.php - Page with drag-and-drop functionality to allow rapid development of timetable
  • courses_by_teacher_and_room.php - Report to understand track registration data by subject
  • courses_by_teacher_and_term.php - Timetable planning page to show teacher courses by module term
  • courses_temporal_correlations.php - Page to calculate mark correlations between courses
  • courses_with_details.php - Course Report for checking reactivation
  • create_announcement.php - Quick page to create announcements
  • create_assignment_marks.php - creates marks records for a particular assignment - teacher use
  • create_booking.php - Create a new resource booking
  • create_exchange_batch_file.php - SMUS exchange powershell groups
  • create_network_accounts_archive_file.php - Archive old accounts to the External Alumni AD OU
  • create_network_accounts_batch_file.php - creates NT account creation batch file - defaults to is_new_student = 'Y'. Pass 'R' for returning students
  • create_person.php - Page to allow creation of Student, Parent and Teacher person data
  • create_recurring_events.php - Page to create recurring events
  • create_samba_archive_file.php - Archive old files on the file servers
  • create_samba_batch_file.php - Create accounts on the Samba server for incoming students
  • credit_card_accounting.php - A more general credit card accounting page
  • daily_attendance.php - teacher enter attendance data for today - teacher use
  • daily_campus_schedule.php - Schedule for each block for a campus
  • daily_test_students.php - Page to display what students are taking a test on a given day.
  • day_market_report.php - Report to understand the day market
  • day_planner.php - Page to show daily course information for a teacher
  • deenrolment_contract.php - Location of DeEnrolment Contract(s) for Parents
  • define_blocks.php - allows timetable blocks of periods to be defined and edited
  • define_periods.php - allows periods of classroom time to be defined and edited - this data used to be "timetable"
  • define_year.php - allows entries in timetable_year to be created for a whole year at once.
  • delete_memcache.php - Memcache maintenance page
  • delete_network_accounts_batch_file.php - Page to remove accounts and H: drives for non-returning students
  • department_test_analysis.php - Page to show the distribution of tests against time for a particular department
  • display_access.php - Lists a person and all of their SDS access
  • display_announcement.php - Dislpay announcements for events
  • download_person_log_file.php - Generic page for allowing person_log files to be downloaded.
  • download_student_transcript.php - Student SDS page to download transcript
  • dry_run_commit.php - Page to commit the dry run
  • dry_run_conflict_report.php - Page to list dry run conflicts remaining
  • dry_run_course_block_summary.php - Page to show the course loadings by block during dry run in preselection/reregistration
  • dry_run_course_summary.php - Page to summarize course results of the dry run
  • dry_run_student_course_cohort_summary.php - Timetable dry run summary page to show student/course cohorting success
  • dry_run_student_summary.php - Page to summarize student results of the dry run
  • duplicate_assignment.php - Page to allow assignment and its assignment_marks to be duplicated
  • e-sds.php - Index page for E-SDS
  • earthquake_fire_list.php - Earthquake/Fire Emergency Phone List
  • edit_accounting.php
  • edit_address.php - edit an address: do not use this to change the address of a person! - beware that many people may have the same address
  • edit_address_types.php - edit the address_types in the address_type pulldown
  • edit_admission_target.php - System page to edit admission_target information
  • edit_admission_test.php
  • edit_admission_test_type.php - New system page for editing admission_test_type data
  • edit_assignment.php - edit the details of a particular assignment - teacher use
  • edit_assignment_mark_type_scaling.php - Page to edit assignent_mark_type_scaling code
  • edit_assignment_mark_types.php - edit assignment mark types
  • edit_assignment_marks.php - allows input/editing of assignment_mark data for students - also can change asignment.weight
  • edit_assignments.php - edit all assignments at once
  • edit_attendance.php - edit all attendance data for a course - teacher use
  • edit_attendance_codes.php - edit attendance codes
  • edit_award_trait.php - Page to allow editing of award traits
  • edit_award_types.php - Edit award_type data
  • edit_awards.php - edit awards
  • edit_boarding_questions.php - Change the questions on the boarding questionnaire
  • edit_breaks.php - Edit school breaks
  • edit_buildings.php - Page to edit buildings
  • edit_cohorts.php - Page to set up cohorts for the timetable build
  • edit_concern.php - System page for editing concern values
  • edit_course.php - edit information for a course - admin use
  • edit_course_registration.php - alter which students are registered in a course
  • edit_courses.php - edit multiple courses simultaneously
  • edit_current_school_years.php
  • edit_default_fees.php - Page to Edit or Add default Fee::Creates for usage in student finance areas
  • edit_department_persons.php - Admin page to allow editing of department persons (HoD, cover admin)
  • edit_departments.php - edit information for departments
  • edit_destinations.php - Edit destinations
  • edit_draft_report.php - Page where advisors can edit their advisees' reports.
  • edit_duties.php - Page to view student's missing data
  • edit_duty_schedule.php - Page to view student's missing data
  • edit_fee_dates.php - Page for showing and editing dates in relation fees
  • edit_fee_status.php - System page to edit fee_status information
  • edit_fee_status_type.php - System page to edit fee_status_type information
  • edit_floors.php - Page to edit floors available for buildings
  • edit_floors_in_building.php - Page to edit floors in each building
  • edit_form_campaigns.php - Page to manage campaigns for forms that are meistered by the user
  • edit_form_meisters.php - Page to manage form meisters
  • edit_generated_reports.php - Edit reports to be generated by new_output_index.php
  • edit_grad_reqt_year.php - Provides interface for creating and editing graduation requirement years
  • edit_grades_per_year.php - Grades per year editor
  • edit_graduation_rule.php - Page to manage graduation rules
  • edit_houses.php - edit information about houses
  • edit_informed_consent_items.php - Admin page to edit informed consent items
  • edit_intervention.php - System page for editing intervention values
  • edit_key.php - edit key students
  • edit_learning_skill.php - Page to allow editing of Learning Skills
  • edit_learning_skill_group.php - Page to allow editing of Learning Skill Groups
  • edit_learning_skill_value.php - Page to allow editing of Learning Skill values
  • edit_lesson.php - edit class data (what was taught in a particular class, not a course or a subject) - teacher use
  • edit_lessons.php - bulk edit a number of classes - teacher use
  • edit_lr_accommodation.php - System data page allowing creation and maintenance of LR accommodations
  • edit_lr_accommodation_set.php - System data page allowing creation and maintenance of LR accommodation sets
  • edit_mailouts.php
  • edit_mark_session.php - allows editing of the different times when marks and comments are collected
  • edit_moe_exam_registrations.php - Page to allow editing of MOE exam registrations
  • edit_moe_language_codes.php - edit moe language codes
  • edit_moe_plo.php - Page to allow editing of MOE PLOs
  • edit_moe_plo_stream.php - Page to allow editing of MOE PLO streams
  • edit_moe_subject.php - Enables user to manage and edit MOE Subject/Subject relationships.
  • edit_nationalities.php - adds new nationalities to assign to students
  • edit_parent_student_relationship_types.php - edit the parent_student_relationship_types in the parent_student_relationship_type pulldown
  • edit_parents.php - edit parent information - admin use
  • edit_permanent_student_records.php - Edit student's permanent record
  • edit_person.php
  • edit_person_log.php - Page to allow editing of person_log data
  • edit_person_log_type.php - New system page for editing person_log_type data
  • edit_php_script.php
  • edit_portfolio_link.php - Page for students to enter a link to their Mahara portfolio
  • edit_postsec.php - Edit postsecondary data
  • edit_prior_credits.php
  • edit_rel_assignment_mark_type_scaling.php - Page to edit assignent_mark_type_scaling information for particular assignment_mark_type
  • edit_resources.php - Allows the list of resources to be edited
  • edit_room_group_members.php - Page to edit rooms in room groups
  • edit_room_groups.php - Page to edit room groups
  • edit_room_meisters.php - Page to edit room meisters
  • edit_rooms.php - Page to edit rooms
  • edit_rotating_courses.php - Used by list_rotating_subjects.php
  • edit_scheduled_tests.php - Page for teachers to review and edit their scheduled tests
  • edit_school_plo.php - Page to allow editing of School PLOs
  • edit_school_plo_value.php - Page to allow editing of School PLO values
  • edit_special_needs_categories.php - Page to edit special needs categories
  • edit_student_course_registration.php - edit a students particular course registrations - allows editing
  • edit_student_field.php
  • edit_student_marks.php - edit student assignment-mark data - teacher use
  • edit_student_mcp_data.php - admin editing of mark collection data
  • edit_student_report_data.php - show all report records for a student for a year - allows is_deleted to be changed
  • edit_student_school_plo_type.php - Page to edit student_school_plo_type data
  • edit_students.php - allows bulk editing of advisors - other functionality to be added as required
  • edit_subject.php - edit a subject
  • edit_subjects.php - edit details about a subject
  • edit_system_variables.php - Page to edit SDS variables
  • edit_teacher_fte.php - Page to edit departmental FTE apportioning of teacher time
  • edit_teachers.php - Page for bulk editing of person_log information for teachers
  • edit_term_timetable_days.php - Page to set up timetable_days for a term for the modular timetable
  • edit_terms.php - Page to set up terms for the modular timetable
  • edit_test_log_type.php - Page to edit TestLogType values
  • edit_tests.php - Create and edit standardized tests.
  • edit_timetable_day.php
  • edit_timetable_release_dates.php - Allows editing the dates on which timetable are released by grade
  • edit_titles.php - edit the titles in the title pulldown
  • edit_transfer_credits.php - List/Edit transfer credits for student passed or in session
  • edit_travel.php - Edit travel information
  • edit_travel_labels.php - Edit travel labels
  • edit_trax_marks.php - Page to edit TRAX marks
  • edit_universities.php - Add/edit universities
  • edit_university_actions.php - Add/edit university_actions
  • edit_year.php
  • educational_history.php - Generic page for educational history
  • el_phenomenal.php - alpha_nominal style reports and house_reports
  • email.php
  • email_finance_statements.php - Page for finance to email out statement announcements
  • email_parents.php - allows selection of a group of parent emails
  • email_student_list.php - Page to email students using the advanced student filter.
  • email_students.php - creates mailto: for students in a house, course, grade etc.
  • email_unexplained_absence_list.php - Sends an email to boarding administrators with the absents students of the day
  • emergency_phone_list.php - Emergency Phone List
  • enquiry_data_extract.php - Page to data mine enquiries
  • enquiry_expire.php - Page to expire out old enquiries
  • enrollment_completed.php - Enrollment completed landing page for parents
  • enrolment_status_update_summary.php - Page to enrolmentstatus update summary for Admissions
  • enrolment_summary.php - Another summary page for the bcsadmissions spreadsheet.
  • enter_bulk_test_marks.php - Allows for bulk uploading of standardized test marks
  • enter_test_marks.php - Enter marks for standardized tests.
  • es_attendance_summary.php - Attendance Summary for ES Audit
  • es_audit.php - Summary page for ES Audit
  • es_audit_available_time.php - Page to display calculation of available time for es audit.
  • es_audit_form.php - Audit form for ES Audit
  • es_bc_grant_report.php - BC Grant Report for ES Audit
  • es_daily.php - Dailly Attendance Summary for ES Audit
  • es_enrollment_summary.php - Enrollment Summary for ES Audit
  • es_homeroom.php - Homeroom List for ES Audit
  • event_billing_departments.php - Page to manage event billing departments
  • event_bus_request_summary.php - Page to display and manage bus requests
  • event_calendarmeister.php - Page to authorise calendar events
  • event_resourcemeister.php - Resource Meister page
  • event_scheduling.php - Page to enhance administration of groups of related calendar events (e.g. exams)
  • exam_name_labels.php - Page to create exam name labels
  • exam_seat_name_labels.php - Page to create exam labels with exam seat information (by event test)
  • export_ap_tax_files.php - Page to export AP tax files
  • export_build.php - Enables user to export data from SDS to Excel
  • export_calendar.php - Page that exports external_calendar as an ICS file
  • export_csv.php
  • export_for_trevlac.php - Export MCP data to CSV for export to Trevlac
  • export_moe1701.php
  • export_output.php - Enables user to export data from SDS to Excel
  • external_calendar.php - Allows users to book tests and major asignments - restricting on three tests per student (warns after 2)
  • external_calendar_event.php - Allows external users to view SDS calendar event details
  • family_information.php - Online app step3
  • fee_schedule.php - Fee schedule Outline page
  • finance_ce_reports.php - Replacement for Regedit Reports
  • finance_list_contracts.php - Provides a list of finance Contracts and their status
  • finance_reports.php - For financial reports
  • find_changed_ap_registrations.php
  • forgot.php - page to reset passwords
  • free_rooms.php - Classrooms that are available
  • free_students.php
  • free_teachers.php - a simple timetable showing which teachers are free in each block
  • freshgrade_export.php - Page that generates freshgrade export files
  • grade_12_course_list.php - Page to retrieve all grade 12 courses for a grad class
  • grade_rep_phone_list.php - Emergency Phone List
  • gradekeeper_export.php - Export class list to gradekeeper
  • graduation_rule_report.php - Report that checks which students have satisfied their graduation rules
  • group_users.php
  • hc_health_form.php - Download health forms (health centre version)
  • head_of_department.php - lists all courses in a department - hod/admin use
  • health_centre_index.php - An index page for folks from health centre to access what they need.
  • health_number_forms.php - Page to show health numbers vs. health form
  • health_of_the_school.php - Page to show stats on the health of the school - student stress load
  • health_questionnaire.php - health questionnaire for online app
  • hod_preselections.php - Page to show HoDs the preselection subjects and counts for their department
  • home_country_list.php - Report listing student home country
  • hoshino_export.php
  • hoshino_zset_import.php
  • house_prep_history.php - Page to display prep summary for an entire house
  • house_prep_signup.php - Housemasters allow students to go on computer/library prep
  • houseparent.php - houseparent page
  • howtoindex.php - Index of HowTo files and guides
  • impersonation.php - select another user to impersonate
  • import.php
  • import_admissions.php - Page to import SMUS admissions database
  • import_pen_number_file.php - Page to import PEN numbers from ministry export
  • import_photos.php
  • import_previous.php - Import previous class and assignment info
  • index.php - starting index page
  • infill_missing_assignment_marks.php - Page to allow missing assignment_marks to be added for late registered students
  • input_absence.php - absence data entry - health or day student - admin use
  • integrade_export.php - Export class list to integrade
  • interview.php - Interview commentary page for admissions
  • invigilation_session.php - Page to allow teachers to be added as invigilators to an invigilation_session
  • invigilation_sessions.php - Page to show invigilation_sessions connected to an event_resource_booking, to a calendar event, or a selection of calendar events
  • lead.php - Show details for person/parent combinations with the Admissions Lead person log entry
  • left_and_returned_students.php - Page to list students who left and returned
  • link_award_trait.php - Page to allow linking of award traits to awards
  • list_addresses.php - list all addresses - need to limit view somehow. Also need search section.
  • list_applications_to_import.php
  • list_assignment_marks_statistics.php
  • list_assignments.php - list of assignments for a course - teacher use
  • list_attendance_statistics.php
  • list_award_recipients.php
  • list_changed_marks.php - Lists all of the marks that were changed since the end of the mark collection period.
  • list_contracts.php - Provides a list of (de)Enrolment Contracts and their status
  • list_events.php - Page to list events
  • list_families.php - Groups all the families at the school into categories for the Data Center
  • list_kitchen_requests.php - Page to list Kitchen requests
  • list_lifers.php - Page to list how many years students have attended
  • list_mark_sessions.php
  • list_money_requests.php - Page to list and manage Money requests
  • list_multiple_calendar_event_persons.php - Page to list persons attached to group of related calendar events (e.g. exams)
  • list_parents.php - list all parents - with links to PT meetings, PT schedules, addresses etc
  • list_rotating_subjects.php - lists subjects with rotating courses and links to numerous utilities
  • list_school_plos.php - Page to show school PLOs and link to edit student data
  • list_siblings.php - Lists all parents with siblings.
  • list_student_status.php - Shows status of Students
  • list_students.php
  • list_students_reports_number.php - lists students and the number of reports they should get
  • list_subject_students.php - Page to view student's missing data
  • list_subjects.php - list subjects (in a department)
  • list_teacher_fte.php - Page to list all teachers and their assigned FTE; link to edit page
  • list_teachers.php - shows teacher data - cannot be edited; shows number of scripts allowed
  • login.php - Login page
  • logout.php - Logout page
  • longitudinal_marks.php
  • lr_connection.php - Page for linking students to LR connections
  • lr_daily_schedule.php
  • lr_student_accommodations.php - Page for linking students to LR accommodations
  • lr_student_accommodations_summary.php - Admin page detailing how students used their LR accommodations
  • lr_upcoming_tests.php - Page for showing LR connections what tests were coming up for their students
  • mahara_portfolio_links.php - Page for teachers to access student Mahara portfolios
  • mailout_report.php - Page to display information about mailouts
  • manage_event.php - Page to edit events
  • manage_event_category.php - Page to edit event categories
  • manage_pt.php - Page to manage parent/teacher sessions
  • manage_staff_calendar.php - Page that configures faculty lesson ICS exports
  • manage_vehicles.php - Page to manage vehicles
  • mark_collection_index.php - index page for teacher data input/view for a course - teacher use
  • markbook_index.php - Markbook start page for teachers
  • marks_edit_spreadsheet.php
  • menu.php - Online app main menu
  • merge_form_campaign.php - Page to merge form data into the SDS
  • merge_person.php - Allows for merging of people with the same email address
  • methods_of_payment.php - Link to methods of payment
  • midyear_marks.php - edit midyear marks - admin use
  • migrate_trax_marks.php - Page to migrate marks from one MCP to a TRAX MCP for exam registrations
  • mis_ups_list.php - Page to list UPSes and SNMP details
  • miss_academic_time.php - Page for parents to see procedure to miss academic time
  • missing_assignments.php - which assignment marks are missing - teacher use
  • missing_data_report.php - Page to view student's missing data
  • missing_marks.php - Allows the user to search for unentered marks
  • missing_students.php - list of students missing from a subject
  • moe1701.php - edit moe 1701
  • moe1701_core_french.php - lists students lacking core french
  • moe_check_outcomes.php - Page to check how the MoE learning outcomes have been covered in the course
  • monthly_statistics.php - Provides monthly admissions statistics
  • monthly_student_data.php - Provides a list of all applied students and their statuses
  • mother_father_audit.php - Page to audit genders of mother/father people
  • new_output_index.php - Frontend for generating reports.
  • new_students_grades_for_sets.php - Lists all new students for the bcsadmissions spreadsheet.
  • news_releases.php - Page for adding and editing sds news and releases so that it dose not require a migration each time
  • non_returning_student_list.php - Page to display all students not returning this year
  • number_of_selections.php - Number of selections for academic preselection
  • nurse_information_list.php - Nurse Information List
  • offcampus_health_form.php - Download health forms for students going off campus
  • orphaned_records.php - detects orphaned records
  • output_index.php - index of output reports
  • override_periods.php - Allows user to cancel or override settings for a specific period on a specific day
  • papercut_any_barcode.php - Produces any papercut barcode for printing
  • papercut_barcode.php - Produces any papercut barcode for printing
  • papercut_release.php - Page for papercut release station
  • papercut_restrictions.php - Page to restrict users from using papercut
  • papercut_usernames.php - Page to create additional papercut usernames
  • paraux_directory.php - Page to download the Parents' Auxiliary Student Directory
  • parent_download.php - Page for parents to download secure documents
  • parent_finance_statements.php - Page for parents to download their statements
  • parent_form.php - Page for parents to complete online forms
  • parent_payment_form.php - Page for people make payments against students
  • parent_preliminaries.php - First part of parent information for application - simplifies use of parent_summary page
  • parent_pt.php - Page to sign up for parent/teacher sessions
  • parent_questionnaire.php - Online app step7
  • parent_reports.php - Parent SDS download report cards (no auth, security is maintained inside script)
  • parent_rereg_download.php - Parent SDS download rereg form (no auth, security is maintained inside script)
  • parent_summary.php - generic summary page for parents
  • parent_view_form.php - Parent download of PDF health form
  • parent_view_preselections.php - Page for parents to view student course selections
  • parent_view_timetable.php - Page for parents to view student timetables
  • parents.php
  • parents_of_students.php - Provides demographic information for parents of students in a course.
  • passport_academic.php - Academic passport collection
  • passport_finearts.php - Fine arts passport collection
  • passport_house.php - houseparents put in passport to education info here
  • passport_sports.php - Sports passport collection
  • passport_summary.php - Summary of passport information
  • payment_agreement_form.php - Payment Agreement Form
  • payment_option_form.php - Payment Option Change Form
  • payments.php - Page for listing payments and processing payemnts
  • paymnet_opt_change.php - Payment Option Change Request Form
  • people_without_aup.php - Report of people without AUP
  • period_analysis.php - Page to show numbers of tests, calendar events and absences that affect each period per day of week
  • personal_recommendation.php - Online app step10
  • photo_report.php - Report to view student photos.
  • php_group_permissions.php
  • php_scripts.php - List or edit descriptions of scripts
  • php_scripts_access.php - allows access to particular scripts - shows users who may access a script
  • php_teacher_access.php - list, add PHP scripts to user - shows scripts a user may access
  • place_specific_course.php - Page to help decide placement of a specific course during timetable building
  • postsec_add.php - Add post secondary progress entries
  • postsec_bulk_add.php - Page to allow addition of many different academic advisor log entries at once
  • postsec_search.php - Search for previous postsec entries - access to edit limited
  • pr_card.php - For PR Cards
  • pr_labels.php - print students' transcripts onto labels
  • prep_signin.php - Dutymasters sign in students to external prep
  • prereg_course_data.php - shows all prereg_course data, links to prereg_course_data_course
  • prereg_course_data_course.php - all preregistrations for a course - may refuse preregistrations and register students. There is also a way for teachers to get here but not allow them to register students.
  • prereg_course_data_student.php - student preregistrations - also list of students without preregistrations
  • prereg_department_rules.php - - how many subjects a student may enroll in
  • prereg_info_report.php - List of subjects that have preregistration informamtion
  • prereg_subject_data.php
  • prereg_subject_data_student.php
  • prereg_subject_data_subject.php
  • prereg_subject_rules.php - which subjects may be selected by which grade
  • preregister_academic.php - Student SDS page to preregister academic courses
  • preregister_academic_dry_run.php - Page to attempt to dry run academic registration
  • preregister_academic_missing.php - Page that shows students who didn't preselect an academic subject
  • preregister_course.php
  • preregister_subject.php
  • preselection_force_graph.php - Page to view how preselected subjects relate to each other
  • preselection_progress.php - Page to view the progress of the preselection process
  • preselection_student_updates.php
  • preselection_subject_time.php - Page to show how the selection numbers for a subject change over time
  • previous_school_report.php - Page to view previous school information
  • print_accounting_deposit_statement.php
  • print_calendar_event.php - printable calendar event list, with attached students - teacher use
  • print_draft_report.php - printable marksheet and draft report - depends on how sessions are set up
  • print_fax_list.php - Prints a list of students who need their reports faxed or emailed.
  • print_marksheet.php - printable class marksheet - teacher use
  • print_output.php - print general reports
  • prnt_awards.php - print awards
  • prnt_gov_header.php - prints headers grade 10 provincial exam applications
  • prnt_rolodex.php - Print student rolodex cards.
  • prnt_timetables.php - Print student timetables.
  • progress_report.php - Page to sort by progress indicators of students.
  • pt_appointments_by_time.php - Page to show all PT appointments occurring at a particular time
  • pt_appointments_profile.php - Page to show the distribution of appointments against time for Parent Teacher sessions
  • pt_today.php - Self-updating page to show the set of appointments for a teacher with markbook data for Parent Teacher sessions
  • puke.php - Auto-puke page
  • read_announcements.php - Page to display announcements to read out
  • register_subject.php
  • registrations_conflict_matrix.php - Page to show conflict matrices for incomplete course registrations
  • reports_data_entry.php - mark collection form - teacher use
  • reports_entry_spell.php - report entry form - teacher use; modes for teacher and advisor, controls the list of records that appear in left column
  • reports_transcripts.php - Page to display transcripts and reports for new students from their previous schools
  • reschedule_student.php - Page to advisor rescheduling a student timetable
  • review_application.php - Online app step12
  • rollover_admin.php - for year-end rollover administration
  • rollover_department_teacher_year.php - Page to rollover departmental FTE information to the next school year (to simplify editing)
  • rollover_mcps.php
  • rollover_periods.php
  • rollover_prereg_rules.php - System page for rollover of prereg subject and department rules
  • rollover_subjects.php
  • room_exam_seats.php - Page to set up exam seats for a room
  • room_group_booking_weekly.php - A page to view and edit bookings by week and room_group
  • room_overrides.php - Page to show and add room overrides to allow resources to book a classroom that has a regular class scheduled.
  • room_period_conflicts.php - Report that lists room period conflicts for scheduling
  • room_test_log_timing.php - Page to display test_log timing buttons for a test room
  • scan_attendance.php - Page to check for three unexplained absneces per student in this course
  • schedule_test.php
  • school_plo_list.php - Page to list all ministry/school PLOs
  • school_year_totals.php - Summary page for the bcsadmissions spreadsheet.
  • search_address.php
  • search_date.php
  • search_email.php
  • search_name.php - page to handle searches from the menu sidebar
  • search_phone.php
  • search_portal.php - Allows searching the student data - may pass one or two search terms
  • search_postal.php
  • search_unknown.php
  • section_prediction.php - Page to show the [predicted number of sections for a subject during preselection/reregistration
  • select_student.php - student information start page - provides links to various student data; admin and teacher use
  • set_active_directory_names.php - Sync from SDS to Active Directory
  • set_network_accounts_groups.php - Page to set up grade groups for enrolled students
  • show_student_info.php - cumulative student information page
  • sick_list.php
  • sign_aup.php - Page where students and staff can sign the AUP
  • signup.php - page to allow users to sign up for accounts
  • sld_advisor.php - special advisor page for SLD - read access to marks and reports
  • smus_admissions_labels.php - SMUS Admissions Labels from Trevlac
  • smus_barcode_labels.php - Page to generate bus barcode labels
  • smus_birthdate_labels.php - SMUS Birthdate Labels from Trevlac
  • smus_honour_roll.php - Display average of top 6 marks
  • smus_information.php
  • smus_name_labels.php - SMUS Name Labels from Trevlac
  • smus_nametag_labels.php - Page to print SMUS nametag labels
  • smus_pen_ministry_labels.php - Page to print SMUS PEN ministry labels
  • smus_phone_list.php - Phone List Report
  • smus_scholarships.php
  • smus_student_questionnaire.php
  • smus_test_labels.php - Print test labels
  • special_cais_boarders_report.php - Page to display 2011 report for CAIS boarding survey
  • special_cais_boarders_report_2015.php - Special CAIS report for 2015 (Canadian boarders)
  • sql_log.php - gui for sql_logging
  • staff_finance_statements.php - Page for staff to download their statements
  • status_statistics.php - Counts person_log student_status data
  • student_absence.php - lists all absence and calendar/trip information for a student
  • student_admission_test_results.php - Page to show admissions_test results for a student
  • student_attendance.php - class attendance for a student - teacher use; printable
  • student_block_terms.php - Page to show a student's courses by block and term for quick checking
  • student_check_graduation.php - Page for students to check their grad requirements
  • student_concerns_interventions.php - Page to show concern/intervention data for a specific student
  • student_contact_tracing.php - Page to show which persons have been in contact with a student
  • student_course_registration.php - lists all courses a student is registered in
  • student_course_requests_registrations.php - Page to show a students course requests and corresponding course registrations
  • student_current_week_timetable.php - Allows user to view a student's timetable for the present week, including overrides
  • student_documents.php - Page to display a student's documents
  • student_educational_documents.php - Page to show educationally-related documents from the admissions process for students (default is Accepted status)
  • student_event_forecast.php - Heuristic page to generate scores for students regarding upcoming event absences
  • student_event_forecast_detail.php - Per-student detail of upcoming event absences
  • student_folder_labels.php - Print labels for student folders
  • student_in_grade_courses.php - Report listing student home country
  • student_information.php
  • student_lr_test_requests.php - Teacher page showing which of their students has requested LR accommodations for an upcoming test
  • student_lr_testing_accommodations.php - Student SDS page allowing LR students to book test room space and/or indicate which LR accommodations they indent to use
  • student_mark_collections.php
  • student_period_conflicts.php - List of students with period conflicts
  • student_prep_history.php - Show the external prep history for a student
  • student_preregistration_success.php - Page to show all students course requests and corresponding course registrations
  • student_questionnaire.php - Online app step8
  • student_reports.php - Page for students to dowload their report cards
  • student_spares.php - Students' spares, or the mutual spares that you and the student both have
  • student_standards_based_assessment.php - Page to edit student performance on a standards-based assessment
  • student_status.php - See Current Status of Students
  • student_subject_marks_reports.php - shows all reports for a student within a particular subject
  • student_textbook_labels.php - Textbook labels
  • student_timetable.php - student daily timetable
  • student_timetable_export.php - Page to export student timetable
  • student_travel.php - Travel index
  • student_week_timetable.php - student weekly timetable
  • student_weekend_leave.php - weekend leave summary page for switchboard
  • students_concerns_interventions.php - Page to show students with concern/intervention data
  • students_in_departments.php - list of all students and their current sports registrations
  • students_missing_info.php - Shows students missing a part of the admissions process.
  • students_without_full_schedule.php - Page to display students without a full schedule
  • subject_registration_report.php - Report to understand track registration data by subject
  • suggest_preselection_subject_groups.php - Page to show potential groupings of subjects during preselection/reregistration
  • suggest_subject_groups.php - Page to suggest groupings of subjects to reduce conflicts e.g. for exam scheduling
  • teacher_absences.php - Admin page to show all teacher_absences
  • teacher_classrooms.php - Page to show classrooms used by a teacher
  • teacher_course_graph.php
  • teacher_cover.php - Teacher cover for teachers
  • teacher_cover_admin.php - Teacher cover for admins
  • teacher_cover_printable.php - Teacher cover printable sheet
  • teacher_cover_stats.php - Teacher cover statistics reports
  • teacher_edit_course.php - Allow teachers to edit some course info
  • teacher_invigilation.php - Page to allow teacher to view their invigilation and to add themselves to an upcoming invigilation_session
  • teacher_invigilation_stats.php - Page to compare teacher invigilation allocation
  • teacher_marks_graph.php
  • teacher_period_conflicts.php - Report that lists teacher period conflicts for scheduling
  • teacher_pt.php - Page for teachers to view parent/teacher sessions
  • teacher_standards_based_assessment.php - Page to edit student performance on a standards-based assessment
  • teacher_timetable.php - view a teacher
  • terms.php - terms and agreements for online application
  • test_analysis.php - Page to show the distribution of tests against time for a school year
  • test_log_qr.php - Page to view and set TestLog values for a student and test
  • test_room_admin.php
  • theatre_forgot.php - forgot password for an account
  • theatre_signup.php - Sign up for an account
  • transcript_select.php - Select the mark_collection_period to display for a transcript
  • transcript_student.php - Show a transcript for a student
  • travel_reports.php - Travel reports
  • trax_export.php - Provides interface for creating and exporting MOE TRAX data
  • trax_import.php - Page to import TRAX XAM files
  • trev_rsc.php
  • trp_form.php - Tuition Refund Plan Form
  • trp_guide.php - Tuition Refund Plan Guidelines
  • unexplained_absence_list.php - list of students whose absence is unexplained - meant for administrative use
  • unexplained_absence_report.php - Report to track cumulative unexplained absences
  • uniform_review.php - Review students with uniform infractions
  • university_ranking.php - Show student ranking information wrt universities.
  • upcoming_tests.php - Student SDS page showing scheduled tests in the future
  • update_my_information.php - Page to request an update to person/student/address information
  • update_payment_profles.php - Page for guardiant to manage their payment profiles
  • upload_app_photo.php - Online app step11
  • upload_finance_export.php - Page for finance to upload their statement exports
  • upload_phone_export.php - Page for finance to upload their phone statement exports
  • view_booking.php - View resource bookings
  • view_booking_weekly.php - graphical version of view_booking.php
  • view_department_fte.php - Page to show departmental FTE apportioning of teacher time
  • view_email_queue.php
  • view_exam_seats_test_board.php - Page to view all accommodated test bookings (exam_seats) for a date, regardless of location
  • view_pt.php - Page to show teacher meeting count and parent signup for Parent Teacher sessions
  • view_room_exam_seats.php - Page to show assigned exam seats for a group of exam calendar events
  • view_room_exam_seats_by_date.php - Event page showing one room for a day with all of the exam seats booked into it
  • view_room_exam_seats_by_person.php - Page to show assigned exam seats for a group of exam calendar events, by person
  • view_student_mark_summary.php - Page for student mark summary in a course
  • view_students_person_log.php - Page to show students with PersonLog data of various types
  • view_subject_availability.php
  • view_teacher_cover.php - Page to show future teacher covers assigned
  • view_test_exam_seats.php - Page to show assigned exam seats for an event_test roup (by course)
  • view_test_log_data.php - Page to display test_log duration data for an event_test
  • view_visits.php - Admissions report page for SMUS detailing visiting students
  • weekend_leave.php - page for managing weekend leave, on a student basis (now primarily for admin)
  • weekend_leaves.php - edit multiple weekend leaves - for house use
  • weekly_statistics.php - Provides weekly admissions statistics
  • workflow.php - Page for editing admissions process data
  • year_switch.php - Change year to view old data - sets session variable "year"