SDS:Daily attendance.php

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Here you can fill in today's attendance for your students.

It is important that you enter data by pressing "Save". Attendance data is not stored if you do not "Save".

Entering Attendance

Fill in the following fields and hit "Save". To change or view old attendance records, select a date at the bottom of the screen and hit "Go!".


You can click on a student's name to view their attendance record for your class.


Double-check you're entering data for the right class.

Attendance status

If a student is absent, select a description of their absence from the list. If this field is left blank, it is assumed that the student is present.

There are two possible lists of options, as defined in SDS_teacher_edit_course.php. Using complex attendance codes will give you a large range of choices, turning this feature off will give you a very limited range of choices. Since most choices correspond to a value already entered by the person authorizing the absence, this large range of choices is not shown by default on this page.

In order to enable complex attendance codes, you must go into "edit course info" for your course and change the "N" for "use complex attendance codes". [Here] is a short flash video showing how to do this.

If the student has been marked as absent or on a trip, this field will suggest an appropriate category. If the student is present, you should select the blank option or "present" if the system suggests that the student will be absent.

You cannot use Absent (Explained) unless the SDS has an explanation for the absence. If you try to use Absent (Explained) when there is no explanation, the SDS will automatically change it to Absent (Unexplained).


  • BCS-only*

Uncheck this if a student is absent and unexcused. If the student is not marked as absent under "Attendance status", this field will be ignored.

Uniform addressed

  • SMUS-only*

Check this box if a student is improperly attired. Please include specifics in the comment field. Removing a checkbox and saving will delete the associated comment as well.

Absence, trip or conflict

If a student has been marked absent from school, or if they have a field trip scheduled during your class, it will be specified here. Absences are in red, trips in green, conflicts with other scheduled school courses (e.g. music lessons) are in blue.