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Welcome to the SDS! This is the main page, the gateway to everything inside.

First make note of which version of the SDS you're using. If the background colour is anything but white, you are using a testing version of the SDS.

If you have changed the viewing year or campus, or impersonated someone, then that information will be shown across the top bar. You can also use this bar to log in and view help.

  • Clicking on the logo or the SDS text just below it will bring you back to the beginning
  • Help opens a window within the SDS to show you the Wiki help files
  • Impersonation will allow you to impersonate a member of faculty

Click on a menu item to go to that page. If there is a [+] beside the item, you will instead expand that item, and there will be more menu items underneath. After you have clicked on the [+] item, it will turn to a [-] item, and you can contract that menu back to its original form.

Once you start using items in the menu, they will appear in the most commonly used pages list. This is designed to provide a quick shortcut to the pages you use most often, so that you don't have to dig through the menu to get to them. These are on a person-to-person basis, so your most commonly used pages are not the same as the teacher down the hall's list.

The news section contains the most recent changes made to the SDS. Check this if you want to know what has changed... it's usually written up in the news.