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  1. New student has accepted an Offer Letter.
  2. New student has paid registration fee.

Step 1 – Access SDS

  1. Open a web browser and enter the following in the address bar:
  2. Click Log in and enter normal staff login (username/password)

Step 2 – Check if student already exists

  1. In SDS Left Panel, type student’s last name into Search Box.
  2. Scan through list:
    • if student already exists, continue to Step 4
    • if student does not exist, continue to Step 3

Step 3 – Create new student record

  1. In SDS Left Panel, type parents’ last name into Search Box. Take note if parents already exist.
  2. In the SDS Left Panel, scroll down to Staff Menu and expand Administration.
  3. Expand Admissions.
  4. Select Create Persons – this will allow you to create the student and parents at the same time.
  5. Enter first and last name.
  6. Choose gender in drop-down.
  7. For Initial Student Status select “Accepted” – do not put enrolled until student has paid fees in full, and (if you do) be sure to put an accurate Enrolment Date!
  8. Select starting grade in drop-down menu.
  9. Select the upcoming year for starting school year - for students joining mid-year select the current year.
  10. Select fee status from drop-down menu.
  11. If student is English Second Language (ESL), select Yes.
  12. If student is a Day Student, select Yes.
  13. If parents already exist (Step 3.1), skip to Step 3.17.
  14. Continue down to the Parents / Adults section
  15. Select Adults to be connected to the above student… and choose their relationship in drop-down – only one circle can be selected so skip the next two lines (admissions / other adults).
  16. Fill out parental details for one or both parents – note: addresses and employment will be added later!
  17. Click Create Students / Parents / Both!
  18. You will now find yourself in the Logging page. Do not click any of the buttons here!
  19. In the Search Box of the Left Panel enter the student’s name and click Search. The student should appear in the search results under Students.
  20. Click on the student’s name in the Edit column.
  21. You are now in the Edit Person page where you have a list of tabs (Person Details, Person Log, etc)

Step 4 – Person Details (tab at top of Edit Person page)

  1. Fill out all blank sections (if information has been provided).
  2. For user name put usualfirstname.lastname
  3. Email can be left blank (SDS will assume username@emaildomain)
  4. Skip cell / employment details for child
  5. Click SAVE at the end of the screen.