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It is similar to the [[SDSM:Historical_Changes|Historical Changes]] part
It is similar to the [[SDSM:Historical_Changes|Historical Changes]] part
but that it describes work which was prepared and published in a Git branch
but that it describes work which was prepared and published in Git feature
but it was deemed premature to merge it to the trunk, such as due to a
branches that are longer lived and not yet merged to the trunk; in
desire for more testing first, or because it was possibly unfinished; in
contrast, ''Historical'' is for work that ''was'' merged to trunk.
contrast, ''Historical'' is for work that ''was'' merged to trunk.


== SDS Laravel: Changes to Third-Party Dependencies ==
== SDS Laravel: Removed Application Functionality ==

=== 2024 Jun 17: Upgrade To Laravel 10 and Vue 3 ===
=== 2024 Jun 25: Remove Screens For Application For Student Enrollment By Parents ===

==== Summary of PHP Dependency Upgrades or Removals ====
This task removed the ''SDS Laravel'' screens that supported parents
applications for student enrollment of their children directly in '''SDS'''.
The functionality became obsolete and unused when Blackbaud started being
used for applications instead, and applications were imported to '''SDS'''
from Blackbaud by an automated process.

This task updated <code>composer.json</code> to require the latest
These 20 source files were simply removed:
PHP-8.1-compatible versions of all PHP library dependencies,
in particular taking Laravel from <code>8.x</code> to <code>10.x</code>.

To be specific, it made these dependency changes:
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/ApplicationController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/FamilyInfoController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/OtherController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/ParentInfoController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/ParentQuestionController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/StudentInfoController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/Application/StudentQuestionController.php
* app/Http/Controllers/System/EditBoardingQuestionController.php
* resources/js/components/application/AddressInfo.vue
* resources/js/components/application/FamilyStatus.vue
* resources/js/components/application/GuardianHolder.vue
* resources/js/components/application/GuardianInfo.vue
* resources/views/application/home.blade.php
* resources/views/application/index.blade.php
* resources/views/application/parentinfo/index.blade.php
* resources/views/application/studentinfo/index.blade.php
* resources/views/includes/application_menu.blade.php
* resources/views/system/boarding_question/create.blade.php
* resources/views/system/boarding_question/edit.blade.php
* resources/views/system/boarding_question/index.blade.php

* barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (^3.7 to ^3.13.5)
These 3 source files were updated to remove references to the removed ones:
* directorytree/ldaprecord-laravel (^2.7.3 to ^3.3.3)
* etern8ty/beanstream (dev-master unchanged and is custom fork)
* fakerphp/faker (^1.23.1 unchanged)
* fideloper/proxy (^4.4.2 removed as laravel/framework has its upgrade built-in)
* goldspecdigital/laravel-eloquent-uuid (^8.0.1 removed as laravel/framework has its upgrade built-in)
* guzzlehttp/guzzle (^7.8.1 unchanged)
* intervention/image (^2.7.2 removed as intervention/image-laravel is its upgrade)
* intervention/image-laravel (^1.3 added)
* juliomotol/laravel-auth-timeout (^3.1.1 to ^4.1)
* lab404/laravel-impersonate (^1.7.5 unchanged)
* laravel/framework (^8.83.27 to ^10.48.12)
* laravel/helpers (^1.7 unchanged)
* laravel/tinker (^2.9 unchanged)
* laravel/ui (^3.4.6 to 4.5.2)
* mockery/mockery (^1.6.12 unchanged)
* nunomaduro/collision (^5.11 to ^7.10)
* phpunit/phpunit (^10.5.20 to ^10.5.21)
* spatie/laravel-ignition (^1.6.4 to ^2.8)
* staudenmeir/eloquent-has-many-deep (^1.14.4 to ^1.19.4)

* resources/js/app.js
* resources/views/includes/menu.blade.php
==== Summary of JavaScript Dependency Upgrades or Removals ====
* routes/web.php
This task updated <code>package.json</code> to require the latest
versions of all JavaScript library dependencies,
in particular taking Vue from <code>2.x</code> to <code>3.x</code>.
To be specific, it made these dependency changes:
* @fortawesome/fontawesome-free (^5.15.4 unchanged)
* axios (^0.27.2 unchanged)
* bootstrap (^4.6.2 unchanged)
* bootstrap-select (^1.13.18 unchanged)
* cross-env (^7.0.3 unchanged)
* font-awesome (^4.7.0 unchanged)
* jquery (^3.7.1 unchanged)
* jquery-ui (^1.13.3 unchanged)
* laravel-mix (^5.0.9 unchanged)
* lodash (^4.17.21 unchanged)
* moment (^2.30.1 unchanged)
* popper.js (^1.16.1 unchanged)
* resolve-url-loader (^3.1.5 unchanged)
* sass (^1.77.4 unchanged)
* sass-loader (^8.0.2 unchanged)
* tempusdominus-bootstrap-4 (^5.39.2 unchanged)
* tempusdominus-core (^5.19.3 unchanged)
* vue (^2.7.16 unchanged)
* vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker (^5.0.1 unchanged)
* vue-template-compiler (^2.7.16 unchanged)
==== Changes For laravel/framework Upgrade's Removal of "dates" Model Attribute ====
This task also updated 51 PHP source files to be compatible with a breaking
change made by Laravel itself with version 10.
Laravel supported a "dates" model attribute through version 9, and then
Laravel 10 removed it. The function of this was to enumerate database/model
fields that were supposed to be automatically converted to Carbon DateTime
objects; so under Laravel 8, any "dates" declarations would be respected,
while under Laravel 10 they would be ignored.
As a result, simply upgrading ''SDS Laravel'' from Laravel 8 to 10 resulted
in many parts of the app breaking in various ways including when simply
visiting the post-login home screen, as PHP died with errors like
<code>Call to a member function format() on int</code>.
To fix this, any instances of <code>protected $dates = ['x',...]</code>
in model classes were replaced with
<code>protected $casts = ['x'=>'datetime',...]</code>
which was the more modern way to get the same functionality, which exists
in both Laravel 8 and 10. For the few model classes that already had other
<code>$casts</code> declarations, the replacements were merged with those.
While the "dates" change could have been its own task that was merged to
trunk prior to and separately from the current Laravel 10 upgrade task, it
was combined with the latter to streamline testing, as both had potential
impacts over a large fraction of the app.
==== Changes For league/flysystem Indirect Upgrade ====
This task also updated
to be compatible with the <code>league/flysystem</code> upgrade from
version 1 to version 3 that was indirect by way of the Laravel upgrade.
See also for context:
There were 3 substitutions for compatibility in the <code>store</code> function.
There was 1 like this:
And there were 2 like this:
==== Bug/Security Fixes In Photos Import ====
This task also updated the 2 files
to fix bugs tangential to the image file path handling.
One fix was in the <code>index</code> function so that the directory path
reported to the user was the same one that <code>store</code> actually
used, from <code>Storage::disk('photos')</code>, rather than being either
of a couple of hard-coded alternatives toggled on an environment variable
that isn't actually used.
A second fix was to stop passing a <code>path</code> hidden form field
value from <code>index</code> to <code>store</code>, whose value was set
from the incorrect path in <code>index</code>, and which <code>store</code>
validated as present and subsequently didn't use. Besides being dead code
from the disuse, if this had been used it would have been a major security
vulnerability, as it would have let web clients directly control actions
against server local file system paths.
==== Changes For goldspecdigital/laravel-eloquent-uuid Removal ====
This task also updated these 5 PHP source files to be compatible with the
replacement of <code>goldspecdigital/laravel-eloquent-uuid</code> with a
Laravel built-in:
* app/Models/Application/Application.php
* app/Models/User.php
* app/Models/User/Student.php
* app/Models/User/Teacher.php
* app/Models/User/UserContract.php
These further 3 files also referenced the trait but commented out, so not
current users but possible past or future users:
* app/Models/Application/AppUser.php
* app/Models/User/Address.php
* app/Models/User/Guardian.php
For each of the above 8 files, there were these 2 line subsitutions:
    use GoldSpecDigital\LaravelEloquentUUID\Database\Eloquent\Uuid;
    use Uuid;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasUuids;
    use HasUuids;
Here is a description of the above built-in feature in Laravel 9.3+:
The purpose of that reimplemented functionality was to empower use of
generated UUIDs for primary key fields of some database tables instead of
the serially generated integers that ''SDS Laravel'' more typically uses;
Laravel Eloquent only gained built-in support for UUIDs with version 9.3.
This task also deleted the single PHP file
<code>app/Models/Traits/Uuids.php</code> as it appeared to be unused.
==== Changes For fideloper/proxy Removal ====
This task also updated <code>app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php</code> to
be compatible with the replacement of <code>fideloper/proxy</code> with a
Laravel built-in. The changes were in 2 spots.
First was this substitution:
    use Fideloper\Proxy\TrustProxies as Middleware;
    use Illuminate\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies as Middleware;
Second was this substitution:
    protected $headers = Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL;
    protected $headers =
        Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_FOR |
        Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST |
        Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PORT |
==== Changes For juliomotol/laravel-auth-timeout Upgrade ====
This task also updated
<code>app/Http/Middleware/AuthTimeoutMiddleware.php</code> to be
compatible with the <code>juliomotol/laravel-auth-timeout</code> upgrade.
There was this 1 substitution:
    use JulioMotol\AuthTimeout\Middleware\AuthTimeoutMiddleware as BaseMiddleware;
    use JulioMotol\AuthTimeout\Middlewares\CheckAuthTimeout as BaseMiddleware;
Note that <code>juliomotol/laravel-auth-timeout</code> must be upgraded
simultaneously with Laravel since the former's versions 3.1.1 and 4.1
respectively require Laravel 8 and 10 respectively.
for more change details and upgrade notes on that.
==== Changes For directorytree/ldaprecord-laravel Upgrade ====
This task also made 3 distinct sets of changes to be compatible with the
<code>directorytree/ldaprecord-laravel</code> upgrade.
See also for context:
The first set of changes...
This task updated the 1 PHP config source file <code>config/ldap.php</code>
to account for <code>logging</code> now being an array. There was this 1
    'logging' => env('LDAP_LOGGING', true),
    'logging' => [
        'enabled' => env('LDAP_LOGGING', true),
The second set of changes...
For context, <code>directorytree/ldaprecord-laravel</code> had a PHP trait
named <code>LdapRecord\Laravel\Auth\MultiDomainAuthentication</code> which
was deprecated before version <code>2.7.3</code> and removed in version
<code>3.0.0</code>. The 1 SDS PHP source file
<code>app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php</code> used that trait.
This task updated <code>LoginController</code> to clone into itself the
used portions of <code>MultiDomainAuthentication</code>, thus removing the
external dependency of the former on the latter.
As the removed trait was itself a sub-trait of
<code>LoginController</code> now composed that directly and not indirectly.
Also <code>LoginController</code> gained the new protected function
<code>getLdapGuard</code> cloned from the removed trait.
Note that the function <code>getLdapGuardFromRequest</code> was ''not''
cloned from the removed trait since <code>LoginController</code> already
had its own version that overrode it.
The third set of changes...
For context, each of these 5 SDS classes composed one of the 2 classes
<code>LdapRecord\Models\Model</code> or <code>LdapRecord\Models\Scope</code>:
* app/Ldap/ExternalUser.php
* app/Ldap/Scopes/OnlyStaffUsers.php
* app/Ldap/Scopes/OnlyStudents.php
* app/Ldap/SmusStudents.php
* app/Ldap/SmusUser.php
For each of those 5, it was updated such that for any property or method it
contained which overrode or implemented a same-named one from
<code>Model</code> or <code>Scope</code>, that property or method had
explicit type annotations added to match the originals. This was required
for the SDS code to satisfy a PHP or Laravel stricture so the code runs.
==== Changes For intervention/image Upgrade ====
This task also made 3 distinct sets of changes to be compatible with the
<code>intervention/image</code> upgrade.
For context, as part of the major update of <code>intervention/image</code>
from version 2.x to 3.x, it was also split up into multiple libraries, with
the core remaining under the old name and the optional Laravel-specific
add-ons being in the new <code>intervention/image-laravel</code> library.
We only need to directly require the latter, which brings in the former.
See also for context:
The first set of changes...
This task added the 1 PHP config source file <code>config/image.php</code>
that is standard per the above-linked README.
The second set of changes...
This task replaced the use of the no longer existing PHP class
<code>Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider</code> with the existing
In addition, the class is now used directly by its full name in the PHP
source files where the image handling functionality is actually used. This
task has purged any explicit registration in <code>config/app.php</code> of
any class of this library in <code>providers</code> or
<code>aliases</code>; the <code>Image</code> alias is now purged.
The PHP source code that directly used the Intervention Image libraries was
updated for compatibility with several method renames or substitutions.
Changes were made to reflect the rename of the library static method
<code>make</code> to <code>read</code>.
Changes were made to reflect the changes with the set of image manipulation
methods for image resizing. The <code>resize</code> method of version 2 had
taken a third argument by which one specified the resize should keep the
original aspect ratio. The <code>resize</code> method of version 3 doesn't
take that argument, and instead the version 3 method <code>scale</code> is
explicitly for resizing that maintains the aspect ratio.
The third set of changes...
This task refactored ''SDS Laravel'' to just have a single PHP source file,
the new <code>app/Photos.php</code> with any direct references to or any
intimate knowledge of the API for, the Intervention Image libraries.
That new class defines the 1 static method <code>scale_photo_file</code>
which reads an image file from disk, scales it proportionally to a desired
size, and writes the image to a disk file.

Previously there were 2 near identical versions of that code, in
Note that Laravel Eloquent Models related to this functionality were
<code>app/Models/File.php</code> and
explicitly left alone, so they can still thoroughly represent the actual
database structure, and they can still be used by other processes.
now those 2 files invoke the new class instead with the 1 shared version.
Likewise, references to student applications in other screens were left
alone as they may still be relevant to the Blackbaud process or for history.


Latest revision as of 22:17, 5 August 2024

This document consists of multiple parts; for a directory to all of the parts, see SDSM:Index.


This part of the SDS Modernization (SDSM) document enumerates a not necessarily exhaustive list of pending changes or improvements that were made to SDS, made by Darren Duncan if by whom is not otherwise specified.

It is similar to the Historical Changes part but that it describes work which was prepared and published in Git feature branches that are longer lived and not yet merged to the trunk; in contrast, Historical is for work that was merged to trunk.


SDS Laravel: Removed Application Functionality

2024 Jun 25: Remove Screens For Application For Student Enrollment By Parents

This task removed the SDS Laravel screens that supported parents applications for student enrollment of their children directly in SDS. The functionality became obsolete and unused when Blackbaud started being used for applications instead, and applications were imported to SDS from Blackbaud by an automated process.

These 20 source files were simply removed:

  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/ApplicationController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/FamilyInfoController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/OtherController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/ParentInfoController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/ParentQuestionController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/StudentInfoController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/Application/StudentQuestionController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/System/EditBoardingQuestionController.php
  • resources/js/components/application/AddressInfo.vue
  • resources/js/components/application/FamilyStatus.vue
  • resources/js/components/application/GuardianHolder.vue
  • resources/js/components/application/GuardianInfo.vue
  • resources/views/application/home.blade.php
  • resources/views/application/index.blade.php
  • resources/views/application/parentinfo/index.blade.php
  • resources/views/application/studentinfo/index.blade.php
  • resources/views/includes/application_menu.blade.php
  • resources/views/system/boarding_question/create.blade.php
  • resources/views/system/boarding_question/edit.blade.php
  • resources/views/system/boarding_question/index.blade.php

These 3 source files were updated to remove references to the removed ones:

  • resources/js/app.js
  • resources/views/includes/menu.blade.php
  • routes/web.php

Note that Laravel Eloquent Models related to this functionality were explicitly left alone, so they can still thoroughly represent the actual database structure, and they can still be used by other processes. Likewise, references to student applications in other screens were left alone as they may still be relevant to the Blackbaud process or for history.